Astro Pope

Enlightening the universe.
We've already launched these tokens:

Astro Pope.

Enlightening the universe.

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, Astro Pope, the enigmatic space sage, embarks on his epic "Celestial Mission," a journey that transcends mere exploration. With his trusty starship as his chariot, he ventures into the unknown, guided by the whispers of distant stars and the mysteries of the universe.

As he traverses the celestial tapestry, Astro Pope unearths more than just cosmic artifacts; he discovers the very essence of the cosmos itself. Each rare find on distant planets holds untold secrets and ancient wisdom, waiting to be unlocked.

But Astro Pope's quest is not merely one of discovery—it is a mission with a purpose. With each treasure he unearths, the value of the $ASTROPOPE token soars to new heights, sending shockwaves through the galaxy and captivating the imagination of all who behold its rise.

From the shimmering nebulae to the forgotten ruins of long-lost civilizations, Astro Pope's journey is a testament to the boundless potential of human ingenuity and the endless wonders that await us among the stars. And as he continues his odyssey through the cosmos, one thing remains certain: the universe will never be the same again.

100% SAFU.

The $ASTROPOPE contract has been developed by an expert team to ensure the safety and security of all our investors.


No team tokens. 100% fairlaunch with no added bullshit.


We’ve completed KYC verification with Pinksale.


We’ve earned the SAFU badge by meeting strict requirements.


Our contract has been audited by the experts at Solidproof.


We’ll renounce ownership of the contract soon after launch.


100% of liquidity will be locked for a minimum of 365 days.


No team tokens. No private sale.



100% of the total supply will be used for presale and liquidity. We have no team tokens.



708,215 tokens will be distributed to investors of our Pinksale fairlaunch.



277,620 tokens will be paired with 60% of the presale BNB for liquidity on PancakeSwap.



100% of taxes will be used for marketing and development to grow our community.
The PinkSale team receives 1.41% of the total token supply. This is the fee charged by PinkSale for creating the fairlaunch on their platform. These are the only unlocked tokens.

Let's go!

Are you ready?


60% of funds raised from the fairlaunch will go towards buybacks + burns. This will create an increasing floor price while reducing the available supply of $ASTROPOPE.


40% of funds raised from the fairlaunch will be added to liquidity on Pancakeswap.


We’ve consulted with higher powers to develop our roadmap.
Stage 1


Build a rock solid foundation.
Smart contract development
Website design and development
Presale listings
Stage 2


Ensuring long term success.
Heavenly buybacks
Community engagement + AMA
Paper hands pray for mercy
Diamond hands rejoice
Community led growth
Buy now


Marcus is the multi-talented founder of Big Bang Launch Pad with over 10 years experience in design, development, marketing, trading and investing.
Join us

Big gains.

We've previously launched a couple of micro-cap stealth launches. Our mission is to continue to build credibility, trust and transparency in the cryptosphere. $ASTROPOPE is our first fairlaunch and we're ready to make a big impact... LFG!


Singularity · $SNTY


Terminator · $TM8R

Our partners.

Coinsult, Dexview and Pinksale helped make this project possible.

Why go anywhere else?

Don’t waste time getting REKT on other projects. Join our community and enjoy the ride!
© 2023 Big Bang Launch Pad. All rights reserved.
None of the Big Bang Launch Pad published content should be considered as Financial Advice and engagement with Big Bang Launch Pad or decentralized applications (tokens) is done at the user's own risk. There is no performance guarantee and cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and speculative, where market participants are expected to complete their own due diligence prior to engaging with any aspect of the Big Bang Launch Pad ecosystem.